Course curriculum

    1. Getting Started

    2. Finding Your Way

    3. What to Expect

    4. Assessing Learning

    5. Extend & Contextualize

    6. Let's Go!

    1. Meet Your Instructor

    2. Course Goals

    3. Course Flow

    4. Guiding Questions

    5. Tool: Your Learning Log

    6. Research References

    1. Introduction to executive function skills

    2. Which executive function skills are critical to school success?

    3. What is your executive function skills profile?

    4. Where in the brain are executive function skills located?

    5. What are the brain processes that impact executive function skill development?

    6. How does the brain change over time?

    7. Learning Log Reflection: What? So What? Now What?

    8. Online Interaction

    1. Five As Protocol

    1. Response Inhibition

    2. Working Memory

    3. Emotional Control

    4. Flexibility

    5. Sustained Attention

    6. Task Initiation

    7. Planning/Prioritizing

    8. Time Management

    9. Organization

    10. Goal-Directed Persistence

    11. Metacognition

    12. Go Deeper : Dropbox Resources

    13. Learning Log Reflection: What? So What? Now What?

    1. Five As Protocol

About this course

  • Included in AtlasLearn
  • Certificate of completion + optional credit
  • Estimated 4 hours to complete


Who is this course for?

  • Adults working in schools

    All adults have a critical role to play to support students in building EF skills.

  • Teaching Faculty

    Teaching faculty such as leaders, teachers, teaching assistants, newly qualified teachers, early career teachers, technicians, teacher librarians, etc.

  • Support Staff

    including school counselors/school psychologists, school social workers, occupational therapists, speech pathologists.

Meet the Course Designer

Dr. Peg Dawson

Renowned psychologist Dr Peg Dawson has over 40 years’ experience in clinical practice and has worked with thousands of children and teenagers struggling at home and in school due to weak executive skills. A former president of the National Association of School Psychologists and the International School Psychology Association, Dr Dawson is a recipient of NASP’s Lifetime Achievement Award. In partnership with her colleague, Dr Richard Guare, Dr Dawson has written numerous books for educators, mental health professionals and parents, including Executive Skills in Children and Adolescents and Coaching Students with Executive Skills Deficits.

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This course was developed by MiniPD, a partner of Atlas.

MiniPD courses are self-guided courses developed by thought-leaders, as well as experienced educator practitioners. They support educators in developing a strong foundation of knowledge and understanding across a range of areas that impact students learning. These courses are research-informed, and offer strategies that can be immediately implemented in your classroom.