Better Feedback
Effective, Sustainable Techniques to Improve Student Learning
Getting Started
Finding Your Way
What to Expect
Assessing Learning
Extend & Contextualize
Let's Go!
Meet Your Instructor
Course goals and guiding questions
Big ideas in feedback
Course Flow
Tool: Your Learning Log
Key Research References
Protocol: Considering Evidence
Introduction: why might feedback be a bad idea?
When should we delay feedback?
Reading - Go Deeper
Check your understanding
Take Action
Reflection: Learning Log
Online Interaction
Introduction: where could we focus our feedback?
Where should we focus our feedback?
Reading - Go Deeper
Check your understanding
Take Action
Reflection: Learning Log
Online Interaction
Why wouldn't students understand my feedback?
How can I ensure students understand my feedback?
Reading - Go Deeper
Check your understanding
Take Action
Reflection: Learning Log
Online Interaction
What will you be able to do upon course completion?
Identify common challenges in providing feedback and ensuring students benefit from it.
Apply evidence-informed strategies to provide more effective feedback - better supporting and challenging your students.
Demonstrate effective feedback strategies in practice.
Directly impact your teaching practice to become a more responsive practitioner.
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