About This PD Course

In this course, you will develop a toolkit of evidence-informed feedback strategies to become more responsive to meet your students’ needs. You will learn how to give feedback more efficiently, improving results while saving time and effort.

Course curriculum

    1. Getting Started

    2. Finding Your Way

    3. What to Expect

    4. Assessing Learning

    5. Extend & Contextualize

    6. Let's Go!

    1. Meet Your Instructor

    2. Course goals and guiding questions

    3. Big ideas in feedback

    4. Course Flow

    5. Tool: Your Learning Log

    6. Key Research References

    1. Protocol: Considering Evidence

    1. Introduction: why might feedback be a bad idea?

    2. When should we delay feedback?

    3. Reading - Go Deeper

    4. Check your understanding

    5. Take Action

    6. Reflection: Learning Log

    7. Online Interaction

    1. Introduction: where could we focus our feedback?

    2. Where should we focus our feedback?

    3. Reading - Go Deeper

    4. Check your understanding

    5. Take Action

    6. Reflection: Learning Log

    7. Online Interaction

    1. Why wouldn't students understand my feedback?

    2. How can I ensure students understand my feedback?

    3. Reading - Go Deeper

    4. Check your understanding

    5. Take Action

    6. Reflection: Learning Log

    7. Online Interaction

About this course

  • Included in AtlasLearn package
  • Certificate upon completion + opportunity for credit
  • Estimated 4 hours to complete

Learning Objectives

What will you be able to do upon course completion?

  • Identify common challenges in providing feedback and ensuring students benefit from it.

  • Apply evidence-informed strategies to provide more effective feedback - better supporting and challenging your students.

  • Demonstrate effective feedback strategies in practice.

  • Directly impact your teaching practice to become a more responsive practitioner.


Who is this course for?

  • Adults working in schools

    All educators who want to develop their formative assessment and feedback practices to become more responsive to meet the needs of all their students.

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