Course curriculum

    1. Introduction

    1. Why are we assessing?

    2. Explore Examples

    3. Purpose in Atlas

    1. What is it that needs to be assessed?

    2. Explore Examples

    3. Targets in Atlas

    1. How will timely and clear feedback be given, received, and used?

    2. Explore Examples

    3. Feedback in Atlas

    1. What opportunities do students have for choice, voice, and reflection?

    2. Explore Examples

    3. Student Agency in Atlas

    1. Final Assessment

    2. Final Reflection

    3. Course Feedback

About this course

  • Included in AtlasLearn package
  • Certificate upon completion
  • Estimated 2 hours to complete

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Meet the Course Designers

Atlas Professional Development Team

The Professional Development team at Atlas is comprised of passionate educators who work to support schools and districts around the globe through coaching, consultation, direct learning, and ongoing support. The team believes that adult learning should be engaging, tied to student growth and above all relevant.